Welcome to the Yancey County Website!

Susan Jobe
Register of Deeds
The Register of Deeds is a statutory officer elected by the citizens of Yancey County. The Register is the custodian of various records which are filed for safe-keeping. Examples of documents housed are property deeds, deeds of trust, leases, assignments, powers of attorney, separation agreements, contracts, cancellations, assumed names, partnerships, corporations, notices of foreclosure, notices of bankruptcy, releases, restrictive covenants, military discharges, financing statements and terminations, marriage, birth and death records, maps and plats.
The Register also issues marriage licenses and administers the oath of office to notaries public. As a service to Yancey County citizens, the Register of Deeds records and keeps copies of all documents pertaining to land and issues certified copies or photocopies of same, as required.
Yancey County was established in 1833. The Register of Deeds has scanned all documents dating back to 1833 and has made them available to the public via the Internet. Click on the ‘Search Records’ link to begin.